Monday, June 27, 2011

Statistical Islam

English: Islam dalam Statistik

Is Islam Poised to Take Over?

Is Islam Poised to Take Over?

Posted By The Anti-Jihadist On June 8, 2011 @ 12:00 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 98 Comments

The great 19th century British naturalist Charles Darwin’s singular contribution to the annals of science was his still provocative idea of “survival of the fittest.” In other words, the species best adopted to its environment tends to survive and thrive, while those less than ideally suited tend to perish. Furthermore, changing conditions can and do cause the emergence of newly dominant organisms. The fossil record is full of the remnants of species — dinosaurs, mammoths, dodo birds, et al — that were, for whatever reason, not up to the task of surviving in a changing world.

Darwin’s theory can also be extended to fields outside the natural sciences. Other entities also rise and fall in their respective realms depending on their ability to cope with a dynamic environment and how they deal with their competitors. For example, corporations succeed or fail based on how well they have ‘read’ their chosen marketplaces and operating conditions. What happens if companies are not able or no longer able to perform these functions well? Well, just ask anyone who used to work for Eastern Airlines or Air America Radio.

Other human organizations also must cope with the same dynamics. They must attract new members, care for and retain existing ones, address funding, resource and logistical issues, handle other administrative matters with reasonable levels of efficiency, manage their own culture/ideology over time, and effectively deal with competitors.

Islam is a belief system as well as an organization, and it too faces these issues. Whatever can be said about Islam’s supposed merits, Islam works. By ‘works’, I mean that Islam has proven itself to be rather effective in recruiting or adding new members, and dealing with competing belief systems. Islam manages these and other functions, simply put, through coercion, intimidation, fanaticism, deception and violence. Muslims, once ‘born into’ or converted to the belief system, cannot leave under pain of death. Other belief systems that Islam bumps up against are mislead, oppressed, exploited, marginalized, or outright annihilated, as the followers of Zoroaster in Persia, Buddha in Afghanistan, or YHWH in Arabia could readily attest to. If they could still testify to anything, that is. Islam’s murderous Jihad, having utterly liquidated all of them, has relegated many of its competitors to the dusty and forgotten pages of history.

By accident of geology, many Muslim nations sit on top of vast quantities of oil, which requires little processing, is in high demand, and thus can be sold at vast profit. This not only takes care of fundraising, but also finances additional growth and offensive operations (information warfare, lawfare, ‘martyrdom’ operations, etc.) against competing ideologies. Such sales also have the added bonus — for Islam of course — of draining the coffers of non Muslims.

Are global socio-political conditions becoming favorable for Islam once and for all? Frighteningly, this seems to be the case for a number of reasons. First, consider demographics. The West — Islam’s chief strategic competitor at present — no longer bears enough children to even replace its own numbers, let alone grow in any meaningful way. Secondly, the West’s core Judeo-Christian ideology, undermined by its own ruling elite, has now been supplanted by the dictum of ‘Political Correctness/Multiculturalism’, a pernicious self-destructive creed of defeat that all but begs for victimization from outside aggressors such as Islam. Additionally, Muslims are free to permanently migrate into the territory of their main rivals (Europe and North America) in ever-growing numbers whilst Westerners are informally or formally barred from migrating to Muslim-ruled areas and lands. Emasculated Western leaders are either incapable or unwilling to alter the situation.

Is Islam fated to dominate the world by out-muscling or destroying all others in its path? The followers of Mohammed can certainly be encouraged by the historical record. Wherever Islam invades, it conquers and rules supreme. Half of the Hindu world, the Buddhist states of Central and Southeast Asia, the vast majority of Jews and Christians in Asia Minor, North Africa and the Middle East…all destroyed utterly by the sword of Mohammed and ruled by Muslims to this day. Only two major territorial setbacks for Islam can be found in its 14 centuries of existence– the Reconquista (the Christian-led reconquest) of Spain, completed in the late 15th century, and the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1947. And theUmmah — the global gang of believers — has every reason to believe that these two setbacks are only temporary.

I would love nothing better than to be proven wrong, but Islam, with its murderously simple totalitarian ideology, contemptibly ruthless methods, and enfeebled opposition, appears to be winning the survival of the fittest. Muslims, of course, would see this as divine providence, but the reality is far less sanguine — a global ‘victory’ for Islam would amount to a catastrophe, nothing less than a ‘nakba’ for all of humanity.

Unlike the West, the Islamic World, has a surplus of manpower — a by-product of polygamy and the banning of birth control. While the West struggles with recession and unsustainable government entitlement programs, the Believers also possess trillions in oil-funded capital. They are more than ever confident in their belief system — that it is destined to rule the world. Why should they doubt it, with it coming true before our eyes?
This must be avoided. Whatever the price.
The Anti-Jihadist is the pseudonym of a counter-jihad writer, activist and critic of Islam who resides in a majority Muslim country. His work can also be found at Jihad Watch, Infidel Bloggers Allianceand Pedestrian Infidel.
Article printed from FrontPage Magazine:
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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Islam's unholy trinity: Qu'ran Sunnah & Hadith.

One key element in Islamic doctrine is the denial of God the Father, Son & The Holy Ghost. Since the inception of Islam, Christianity along with Judaism have had a tremendous influence on Mohammed's teachings. Yet as Mohammad found initial rejection in Medina to his fantasy of being a prophet, his self serving "visions" allowed him to develop an entirely new approach to expand what he had already begun: Violent Conquest. The entire Judea-Christian identity, while beginning to emulate it, Mohammad chose to decimate it. And adherents to Islam, to this day, are merely pursuing the elements of their own unholy trinity: Qu'ran Sunnah & Hadith.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

PRESS RELEASE: Letter from a Serviceman to Dr. Terry Jones


APRIL 10, 2011

MEDIA CONTACT: 352-371-2487 or 352-871-2680 (Stephanie Sapp) or INFO@STANDUPAMERICANOW.ORG

LETTER FROM A U.S. SERVICEMAN, April 9, 2011; 1:01pm

Rev. Terry Jones,

I am an active member of the U.S. Armed Forces currently serving in Afghanistan. I want to write you and personally thank you for standing up and using your rights as a U.S. citizen to express your views under our First Amendment right to freedom of speech. When people are too afraid, too pressured, or just don't care enough to use their rights they allow servicemembers to give their lives for nothing. More than anything else, not knowing and not using their rights is the most un-American act ever committed by a U.S. citizen.

Many countries do not believe in free speech even though it is a guaranteed right given to all their citizens. In the U.K., speech is only free as long as it doesn’t offend anyone or contradict what those is power want you to say. Had you burned the Quran in the U.K. you surely would have been put in jail. In Afghanistan, speech is only free as long as it doesn’t violate the Quran, which, according to their constitution, is the highest law of the land and no law can be made above it. If you were in Afghanistan, you and the 12 people who acted as a jury during the Quran trial would have been put to death for your actions. Neither of these countries protects their citizens’ freedom of speech or their right to express themselves.

Now, I have been keeping a close watch on the situation from here in country in regards to the actions to burn a Quran at Dove World Outreach Center on March 20. Given what I am about to later in this letter, you and others will understand why I can write to you and say I feel in no more danger now than I did before the Quran was burned. I have also been keeping a close eye on popular opinion of what people are saying about those actions, and I am very happy to say that the people in America have been largely supporting your rights.

Major media outlets have been editorializing their hard news stories to twist the facts and describe you in the most unfavorable ways possible. Some of this is political posturing by news outlets is because they are afraid of people or concerned for the lives of servicemembers here in Afghanistan and the backlash of violence they perceive has come from your actions. Some are trying to isolate you in hopes of reducing that backlash. Others have very unhealthy agendas. But let me share some facts with you, facts you already know but those who read this letter may not know. And maybe, coming from a servicemember here on the ground in the fight, people may listen just a little better.

Here in Afghanistan, senior military leaders such as Gen. David Petraeus, commander, International Security Assistance Force/U.S. Forces-Afghanistan, have predicted for months now that the radical insurgents were planning a strong spring offensive that was expected to start in late March/early April of this year.

Furthermore, Afghan provincial governors, Afghan military and police generals, as well as coalition senior officials have all stated that the radical insurgents are using the peaceful protestors as human shields. Official reports of the events indicate that a relatively small number of radical insurgents are high-jacking the protests for their own twisted goals. An example is the protest where 4 Nepalese guards were murdered. This protest was attended by approximately 2000 peaceful protestors and high-jacked by about 15 radical insurgents.

These insurgents have had the same goals since long before the events of September 11, 2001 – to kill, steal, and destroy. They would have carried out these actions regardless of whether or not the Quran was burned; the burning of the Quran served only to ignite protests which the insurgents cowardly used to shield themselves. The insurgents knew that Nepalese soldiers are forbidden by their superiors from defending themselves against a civilian crowd, even if their life is in danger. And they used this fact to their advantage. While this unnerving idea that a person doesn’t have the right to self-defense is foreign to many Americans, it is very common among our coalition partners whom I have to trust my life to daily.

Now people have made many comparisons to you and to your actions, trying to describe how the actions at the Dove World Outreach Center on March 20th were wrong and illegal. I have heard people say what you did amounts to yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater. To them I would say that your actions in no way gave Muslims any reason to believe that their life was in immediate danger. Other peoples say those actions were akin to handing a murderer a loaded gun knowing full well that the murderer would immediately use that gun. To them I would say that they are assuming that Muslims are murders and I know from personal experience that is the farthest thing from the truth.

The radical insurgents who carried out these dastardly acts to murder innocent people, burn their own government’s buildings, and destroy their friends’ private property are not the same people who were angry over the burning of the Quran. If they were, the same acts of violence would have happened all over the world, not just in Afghanistan. And even if they are, they are people – not animals – with a will and a conscience. They had a choice to control their anger or let it control them. Their lack of self control and anger management was the direct cause of those deaths.

Now the burning of any symbol – flag, book, effigy or other – I believe is a poor method of communication. But it is a method. And it was a method you felt necessary to bring attention to the problems caused in the name of Allah through the Muslim religion. Your four-hour trial brought many of these problems to light. Let me share with your readers a few more of those problems I have heard about and encountered during my time here in Afghanistan.

Children have had their hands and feet forced into boiling water as punishment for disobeying their parents. Women who are beaten by their husband and run away from him are later caught and thrown into prison; there are approximately 400 women currently in the Afghan prisons for this reason. People of both genders have been wrongfully imprisoned and forced into arranged marriages at very young ages, often as part of a deal. These are just a few more in addition to all the many crimes against humanity that were brought to light during the trial at Dover World Outreach Center on March 20, 2011.

To the readers, please do not get the wrong impression of all Muslims. Just like Americans, many Muslims are very peace loving, good-hearted people. But there is a radical extreme group among them that feel it is their right and responsibility to force their views and will on others. The defense of individual rights in Afghanistan is paramount – but it must start at home in the States.

Servicemembers risk their lives to defend the rights you enjoy as Americans. That risk, and the deaths of everyone who has given their lives to defend those rights is for nothing if you are too afraid, too pressured, or too ignorant to use your rights and defend others who use their rights. If you believe you are supporting the troops, then use the rights we are dying to give you. If you don’t, then we are dying for nothing. Not using your rights is the most un-American thing anyone can do for their country.

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

The dilemma as I see it

I get informed these days primarily by two leading news broadcasts: First: Fox News for the secular complacent yet, honest and realistic media spin of world events. And second: Mosaic World News from the Middle East. The latter provided by Link TV, a leftist, Anti-Israel, Muslim Brotherhood supported, pro-Hamas network. Link TV proudly sees American forces fighting foreign wars as “occupation forces”. And of course in stride, Israel, as a mere entity, is “occupying” Arab Islamic conquest won soil. I myself am not of the secular complacent variety of Americans; therefore I see society through an apparent prism. This very prism is like a cage. I, like very few I’ve encountered in society, have seen America’s present decline into globalist intentions coming and have been warning of it long before 9/11. I feel fortunate to bear witness to what is coming yet, I see Constitutional America being consumed by a mere ideology, in all its political correctness towards Islam. Islam in all its present capacity will come to dominate America one day. I believe it’s practically destined to take place under the guise of a “solar flare”. Today’s popular media is already setting us up to accept what is coming as such. All that is required to deceive America into believing a solar flare destroyed our electrical infrastructure is for a rouge nuclear armed sub off a US coast to launch its payload skyward – EMP attack. In the blink of an eye, for no apparent reason, there goes everything we’ve relied on for the past century: Electricity. Months on end may pass. Rumors will abound about solar flares amongst the panicking masses taking to the streets. Islam is poised and ready for this occurrence. Islamic Clerics, Imams and Mullahs are already here in America to console the masses and to have the appearance that Islam is the solution. I am not unaware of what is forthcoming, yet I must say I am unprepared. I see a solution to finally eradicate the cultic ideology known as Islam. Yet I am unable to even attain an income today. Why? The time is drawing near; but what destiny awaits beyond? There is appropriate method that would discredit, delegitimize, defile and desecrate Islam today. No casualties involved either. All Islamic holy sites must be desecrated with pork and swine excrement. All previously adherent Muslims would recognize the lies their “prophet” taught them. Pork, according to Islamic teachings, has this potential! I believe this simple procedure must be adopted in order to finally eradicate an ideology that has oppressed, degraded and delegitimized females of our species for nearly two millennia! An ideology created by a madman to serve his own pathetic personal desires. Islam can and must be eradicated for the good of humanity.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Attack Evil To Defend Freedom

The Jews and Christians like to whine, complain, procrastinate, retreat in fear, huddle together like sheep. Our adversaries i.e. the Islamic inspired terrorists, Muslim leaders and even Muslim “allies” act with pride, insult the USA and West without fear, they are aggressive in tone and have no problem taking to the Middle East street in the tens of thousands and sometimes in the hundreds of thousands to show their anger and distain for us.

Is America not THE super power, is not Israel the military super power of the Middle East, so why do we act with such weakness when it comes to advancing Israel’s solid case against the lies and Nazi like propaganda? Why does America not advance its strength to advance freedom not just on the battlefield but also with good aggressive public relations strategies?

Even when a Jewish organization has the courage to actually issue some sort of Press release it usually is to complain about the behavior or actions of the enemy only to react to something they have said or done. Now we are complaining even more about our own government’s positions on the Middle East due to the pathetic weakness, appeasement as well as the bias against Israel.

To give you an example of this would be to point our recent Press release from the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA). Before I critique the ZOA let me say we mostly agree with their view and position on the Middle East and Israel, they are one of the few that have the courage to take a stand but what we disagree is the strategy they employ. The recent Press release was to complain about Obama’s double standard when it comes to dealing with the leader of Israel versus Arab and Muslim leaders, especially Karsai of Afghanistan. We agree with the point but this is typical of the “best” PR we have which is not the general way to approach the issue.

Israel and the Jewish community take a position of “We want peace.” While this is nice and admirable, it is not something the Arabs understand, nor will it gain the respect of the world. When it comes to winning the arguments you either have to make your case as a victim or you need to gain respect as a major power. The position of “We want peace” provides neither scenario. For a PR victory for Israel and for the USA diplomatic efforts internationally one needs to advance victimhood or honor, shame and appeasement never works. Hitler employed victimhood at the start and when he had the military power he advanced this instead, the Islamic leaders employ the exact same strategy.

The Jews suffering from the Holocaust used successful PR campaign from the suffering from the “illegals” and stories like the Exodus gained world opinion in favor of the reconstituting of Israel. The Arabs have learned that the similar story of victimhood is what works. They have stolen the Jews narrative with a lie of the created victimhood of the “Palestinian People” and have cynically used the propaganda and gained the upper hand in the PR when it comes to the Israeli Arab conflict, which they have changed to the “Israeli Palestinian” conflict. Muslims advance victimhood and employ terror to twist the West’s hand. Now Iran looks to flex its owner with the securing of nuclear bombs as a lever to blackmail the world.

The Jewish community both in Israel and the Diaspora are unwilling to attack the hatred that comes from the mosques and the media of the Middle East, they are afraid to have former Muslims advance their case because of political correctness. They act with fear and use “interfaith dialogue” which makes them feel good but all that does is provide the Muslims a platform to deceive and lie. I would equate the lies by the Imams with the music that was played and the soap provided by the Nazis before the Jews went into the gas chambers.

No arguments are put forward by our leaders in the USA and Israel against a Jew free Gaza or the West Bank that is always proposed by the Arabs. If the conflict is about sovereignty why do Jews have to leave Judea and Samaria on about 2-4% of the land they have built on? The only solution screamed by the Arabs is expulsion of the Jews from the land. I thought liberals Jew or non-Jew would be against such a racist position?

To win the PR war - advance your case, do not be afraid to be controversial, speak boldly the truth. The founders of Israel and the United states risked all for freedom, now is the time my fellow Jews and Americans advance the truth and to speak boldly, so that we can remain free.

Keith Davies
Director Walid Shoebat Foundation