Monday, June 27, 2011

Is Islam Poised to Take Over?

Is Islam Poised to Take Over?

Posted By The Anti-Jihadist On June 8, 2011 @ 12:00 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 98 Comments

The great 19th century British naturalist Charles Darwin’s singular contribution to the annals of science was his still provocative idea of “survival of the fittest.” In other words, the species best adopted to its environment tends to survive and thrive, while those less than ideally suited tend to perish. Furthermore, changing conditions can and do cause the emergence of newly dominant organisms. The fossil record is full of the remnants of species — dinosaurs, mammoths, dodo birds, et al — that were, for whatever reason, not up to the task of surviving in a changing world.

Darwin’s theory can also be extended to fields outside the natural sciences. Other entities also rise and fall in their respective realms depending on their ability to cope with a dynamic environment and how they deal with their competitors. For example, corporations succeed or fail based on how well they have ‘read’ their chosen marketplaces and operating conditions. What happens if companies are not able or no longer able to perform these functions well? Well, just ask anyone who used to work for Eastern Airlines or Air America Radio.

Other human organizations also must cope with the same dynamics. They must attract new members, care for and retain existing ones, address funding, resource and logistical issues, handle other administrative matters with reasonable levels of efficiency, manage their own culture/ideology over time, and effectively deal with competitors.

Islam is a belief system as well as an organization, and it too faces these issues. Whatever can be said about Islam’s supposed merits, Islam works. By ‘works’, I mean that Islam has proven itself to be rather effective in recruiting or adding new members, and dealing with competing belief systems. Islam manages these and other functions, simply put, through coercion, intimidation, fanaticism, deception and violence. Muslims, once ‘born into’ or converted to the belief system, cannot leave under pain of death. Other belief systems that Islam bumps up against are mislead, oppressed, exploited, marginalized, or outright annihilated, as the followers of Zoroaster in Persia, Buddha in Afghanistan, or YHWH in Arabia could readily attest to. If they could still testify to anything, that is. Islam’s murderous Jihad, having utterly liquidated all of them, has relegated many of its competitors to the dusty and forgotten pages of history.

By accident of geology, many Muslim nations sit on top of vast quantities of oil, which requires little processing, is in high demand, and thus can be sold at vast profit. This not only takes care of fundraising, but also finances additional growth and offensive operations (information warfare, lawfare, ‘martyrdom’ operations, etc.) against competing ideologies. Such sales also have the added bonus — for Islam of course — of draining the coffers of non Muslims.

Are global socio-political conditions becoming favorable for Islam once and for all? Frighteningly, this seems to be the case for a number of reasons. First, consider demographics. The West — Islam’s chief strategic competitor at present — no longer bears enough children to even replace its own numbers, let alone grow in any meaningful way. Secondly, the West’s core Judeo-Christian ideology, undermined by its own ruling elite, has now been supplanted by the dictum of ‘Political Correctness/Multiculturalism’, a pernicious self-destructive creed of defeat that all but begs for victimization from outside aggressors such as Islam. Additionally, Muslims are free to permanently migrate into the territory of their main rivals (Europe and North America) in ever-growing numbers whilst Westerners are informally or formally barred from migrating to Muslim-ruled areas and lands. Emasculated Western leaders are either incapable or unwilling to alter the situation.

Is Islam fated to dominate the world by out-muscling or destroying all others in its path? The followers of Mohammed can certainly be encouraged by the historical record. Wherever Islam invades, it conquers and rules supreme. Half of the Hindu world, the Buddhist states of Central and Southeast Asia, the vast majority of Jews and Christians in Asia Minor, North Africa and the Middle East…all destroyed utterly by the sword of Mohammed and ruled by Muslims to this day. Only two major territorial setbacks for Islam can be found in its 14 centuries of existence– the Reconquista (the Christian-led reconquest) of Spain, completed in the late 15th century, and the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1947. And theUmmah — the global gang of believers — has every reason to believe that these two setbacks are only temporary.

I would love nothing better than to be proven wrong, but Islam, with its murderously simple totalitarian ideology, contemptibly ruthless methods, and enfeebled opposition, appears to be winning the survival of the fittest. Muslims, of course, would see this as divine providence, but the reality is far less sanguine — a global ‘victory’ for Islam would amount to a catastrophe, nothing less than a ‘nakba’ for all of humanity.

Unlike the West, the Islamic World, has a surplus of manpower — a by-product of polygamy and the banning of birth control. While the West struggles with recession and unsustainable government entitlement programs, the Believers also possess trillions in oil-funded capital. They are more than ever confident in their belief system — that it is destined to rule the world. Why should they doubt it, with it coming true before our eyes?
This must be avoided. Whatever the price.
The Anti-Jihadist is the pseudonym of a counter-jihad writer, activist and critic of Islam who resides in a majority Muslim country. His work can also be found at Jihad Watch, Infidel Bloggers Allianceand Pedestrian Infidel.
Article printed from FrontPage Magazine:
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